The iconize protocol
This protocol is not available in RISC OS 2.0
If shift is held down when the close tool of a window is clicked, the wimp does not close the window, but instead broadcasts a Message_Iconize.
If no iconizer, such as pinboard and hopefully in the future !Larger, is loaded then nothing happens.
If an iconizer is loaded :
1 It acknowledges the message (stops the broadcast)
2 It sends a Message_WindowInfo to the window.
Old applications ignore the above message when sent and wimp return acknowledgement to the iconizer which then uses the information in the first Message_Iconize to iconize the window.
New applications react as follows :
If it doesn't want to help it will ignore the message.
If it wants to help it will reply with a Message_WindowInfo. The iconizer
will then use this info to iconize the window.
If the application wants to iconize its own window it acknowledges the
original Window_Info message, and does all the work itself.
Whenever a window is closed the Wimp broadcasts the message Message_WindowClosed. The iconizer should then remove the icon.
When a task exits the iconizer should spot the Message_TaskQuit and remove all icons for that task.
When a new iconizer starts up it broadcasts a Message_WindowInfo. An iconizer receiving this message should reopen all iconized windows. All applications should ignore such a message.
Pinboard behavior
If it does not get a reply to the Message_WindowInfo:
1 It gets the task name for the task that owns the window and then tries to find a sprite called ic_'task name' in the wimp sprite area. If it fails it uses a sprite called ic_? . 2 It uses the title given in the Message_Iconize.If it gets a Message_WindowInfo
1 It tries to find the sprite ic_'name given in message'. If it fails it uses ic_? . 2 It uses the title given in the Message_WindowInfo.
The SWI's ...
Messsage_Iconize (&400CA)
R1+20 window handle
R1+24 task handle for task which owns the window
R1+28 20 bytes of title string (last part of first word)
Message_WindowInfo (&400CC)
R1+20 window handle
R1+24 reserved must be 0
R1+28 sprite name to use, null terminated (MAX=7 chars +NULL) sprite
name used is icon_stringR1+36 title string to use null terminated (as short as possible
truncated to 20 characters)
Message_WindowClosed (&400CB)
R1+20 window handle