Reversing the bytes in a word: (i.e. changing endianness)

Various people came up with code to reverse the endianness of a word (i.e. to take &aabbccdd to &ddccbbaa. Each of their solutions has different things to recommend it, register usage, speed etc, so the best ones are included below. (John P. Baker)
    MOV R2,#&FF
    ORR R2,#&FF0000         ; R2=&00FF00FF

    ;Data In=R0, Out = R1, R2 = &ff00ff

    AND R1,R2,R0,ROR#24     ; R1=&00CC00AA
    AND R2,R2,R0            ; R2=&00BB00DD
    ORR R1,R1,R2,ROR#8      ; R1=&DDCCBBAA
If it is in a loop and you can destroy original R0
    MOV R2,#&FF
    ORR R2,#&FF0000         ; R2=&00FF00FF

    ;Data In=R0, Out = R1, R2 = &ff00ff, R0 corrupted.

    AND R1,R2,R0,ROR#24     ; R1=&00CC00AA
    AND R0,R2,R0            ; R0=&00BB00DD
    ORR R1,R1,R0,ROR#8      ; R1=&DDCCBBAA (Tom Hughes)
    ; Data In=R0, Out = R0, R1 Corrupted
    ; r0 is of form abcd

    EOR r1,r0,r0,ROR #16      ; (aEORc)(bEORd)(aEORc)(bEORd)
    BIC r1,r1,#&FF0000        ; (aEORc)   0   (aEORc)(bEORd)
    MOV r0,r0,ROR #8          ;    d      a      b      c
    EOR r0,r0,r1,LSR #8       ;    d      c      b      a

    ; r0 is now of form dcba (Olly Betts)
    ;outside loop, if we're doing this more than once
    MVN     r2, #&FF00         ; r2 = &ff &ff   0 &ff

    ;Data In=R0, Out = R0, R1 Corrupted, R2 = Constant

    EOR     r1, r0, r0,ROR #16 ; r1 = aXc bXd aXc bXd
    AND     r1, r2, r1,LSR #8  ; r1 =   0 aXc   0 aXc
    EOR     r0, r1, r0,ROR #8  ; r0 =   d   c   b   a
3n+1 cycles, wins for n>1 and is equal (but uses an extra register) for n=1.