Playing a sample (Using DataVox)
On comp.sys.acorn (Julian Wright) gave
this code fragment to play a sample using DataVox:
REM Play a sample using DataVox
datatype%=2 :REM 0 - Log, 1 - Lin Unsign,
REM 2 - Lin Sign, 3 - Ulaw (.au)
samplerate%=22000 :REM amend as necessary
DIM data_start% 8192:data_end%=data_start%+8192
REM build a sine wave 'sample'
FOR p%=0 TO 8191
VOICE channel%,"DataVox-Voice"
SYS "DataVox_SetMemory",channel%,data_start%,data_end%
SYS "DataVox_Type",channel%,datatype%
SYS "DataVox_SampleToPitch",1E6 DIV samplerate%,0 TO pitch%
SYS "DataVox_Pitch",channel%,pitch%
SOUND channel%,&17F,0,0
REM Wait for Sample playback to cease
SYS "DataVox_ReadAddress",channel% TO ,current_address%
UNTIL current_address%=0
SYS "DataVox_Unset",channel%
If your sample is stored in application space you shouldn't do a
Wimp_Poll until playback has ceased otherwise sample playback will
either give data aborts or play noise when other applications are
paged in. If you use DataLoad with standard sample files, much of this
code is eliminated, but your samples are stored in the RMA (at present
- plans are afoot to include support for dynamic areas in DataLoad for
use with RISC OS 3.5 :-) )