RISC OS PRM-like information
This section contains a number of textfiles containing information for programming under RISC OS. The bulk of it was released by Acorn to developers in 1988 as a pre-release of the RISC OS 2 PRMs (Programmers' Reference Manuals). As such it is mostly documenting RISC OS 2 features and differences over Arthur 1.20. Since then files from other sources have been added, mostly documenting RISC OS 3 features and differences. There are a few written by Steven Haslam, aka The NAIX, and a few written independently by Acorn and ex-Acorn employees, and released to Usenet.
Please note that references to what is 'new' and what the case was 'before' are relative to the time of writing. There are also a few errors and inconsistencies in some of the documents, such as calling the Filer the Finder. In some of the documents, what we know as RISC OS is referred to as Arthur 2, and there are even references to interim OS versions such as RISC OS 2.50!
Note that the full PRMs contain far more information than is held here, but you pay for the greater volume. I myself have found these files useful on many occasions.
I believe that the textfiles here can be regarded as public domain. Steven Haslam's files certainly are; the files released to Usenet are public knowledge by definition. The original Acorn pre-release RISC OS 2 PRM information contained the following disclaimer :
"This information is provided "as is"; Acorn makes no warranty, express or implied, of the merchantability of this information or its fitness for any particular purpose. In no circumstances shall Acorn be liable for any damage, loss of profits, or any indirect or consequential loss arising out of the use of this information or inability to use this information, even if Acorn has been advised of the possibility of such loss.
"Acorn Customer Services Department have supplied this information to provide you with further information with regard to programming under the RISC OS/desktop environment.
"This is the only information we are able to supply, if you have any further enquiries going beyond the scope of these documents you will have to wait until the Programmers Reference Manuals are available or if you are having problems with these documents enquiries will have to be in writing to our Fulbourn Road address."
I hope to expand this archive as much as possible, which would be helped by readers sending in any interesting textfiles they might have.