This is a documentation of the changes to the SWI interface to FileSwitch made between Risc OS 2.00 and 2.05.

Changes to old SWIs.

There have been few changes made to old SWIs. Mostly they are bug fixes and slight functionality changes necessary to support MultiFS.

        Bit New Meaning if set
        31      special fields are supported
        30      Streams are interactive
        29      Filing system supports null-length filenames
        28      Call the filing system for openning whether the file exists or not
        27      Inform the filing system of flushes using FSEntry_Args 255
        26   x  Filing system supports FSEntry_File 9 (read info, no length)
        25      Filing system supports FSEntry_Func 20 (*FileInfo)
        24   x  Filing system supports FSEntry_Func 18 (set contexts)
        23   *  Filing system supports MultiFS extensions
        22   *  Give the filing system & and % in paths when appropriate
        21   *  Don't bother storing directories for this filing system
        20   *  Don't use fsfile_Load, but use openin, GBPB, close instead
        19   *  Don't use fsfile_Save, but use create, openup, GBPB, close instead
        18   *  Use FSEntry_Func 9 (access objects) in preference to OS_Files
        17   *  Extra info field is present in the filing system information block
        16   *  Filing system is read-only
        15-8    Minimum number of files openable at once
        7-0     Filing system number
        When bit 17 is set (extra info present) the filing system
        information block is extended with an extra information word. This
        means the information block has this format:
        Offset  Contents
        &00     filing system name
        &04     Startup text
        &08     open
        &0c     getbytes
        &10     putbytes
        &14     args
        &18     close
        &1c     file
        &20     information word
        &24     func
        &28     gbpb
        &2c     extra information word
        If the extra information word is absent, then FileSwitch will assume
        its value is 0. The meanings of the extra information word bits are
        as follows:
        Bit     Meaning when set
        0       Filing system supports FSEntry_Func 34
        1       Filing system should be called to do Cat
        2       Filing system should be called to do Ex
        3-31    reserved for future use and should be set to 0
        Bits 1 and 2 of the extra info should only be set if the filing
        system provides a non-standard display for Cat and Ex respectively.
        FSEntry_Func 34 (fsfunc_DirIs)
        In      r1 = pointer to nul-terminated directory name
                r2 = which directory
                r6 = pointer to special field
        Out     registers preserved
        This call is provided so that filing systems can optimise their handling of
        directory cahes. It will be made when FileSwitch has successfully changed a
        directory, which one being determined by r2:0-CSD,1-PSD,2-URD,3-Lib. A
        filing system should not change this directory on receiving this call
        (indeed, it is envisaged that a filing system would not have these
        directories stored as such), instead the filing system should use this
        information to help it decide which directories to cache and which to not.
        The MultiFS extensions are:
        FSEntry_Func 23 CanoncaliseSpecialAndDisc
        In      r1 = Special field or 0 if not present
                r2 = disc name or 0 if not present
                r3 = memory to fill special field in or 0 if just return length
                r4 = memory to fill disc name in or 0 if just return length
                r5 = length of special field memory block
                r6 = length of disc name memory block
        Out     r1 = pointer to canonical special field or 0 if not present
                r2 = pointer to canonical disc name or 0 if not present
                r3 = length of overflow from block or special field length
                r4 = length of overflow from block or disc name length
                r5 = unchanged
                r6 = unchanged
        Convert given special field and disc name to canonical (unique) forms. If no blocks
        passed in, fill in the overflow values anyway - this gives FileSwitch a
        means of finding the required storage for the values. The filled in strings
        should be 0 terminated.
        To explain: FileSwitch will make use of this call to convert the special
        field and disc name the user supplied into a canonical (unique) form.
        Typically, FileSwitch will call this to tidy up the file name given by the
        user into a canonical form. There are bascially two ways in which this will
        be called: to find out how much space is needed for the canonical versions
        of the disc and special fields; to do the conversion. These two calls will
        usually be made in close succession. For example, if the user specified a
        file as NetFS#Arf:&.thing.whatsit, FileSwitch will make this call as
        r1 = pointer to the string "Arf" (nul terminated)
        r2 = 0
        r3 = 0
        r4 = 0
        r5 = some value of no importance as r3 is 0
        r6 = some value of no importance as r4 is 0
        NetFS will return these values:
        r1 = pointer to canonicalised special field (actually any non-0 value will
        r2 = pointer to canonicalised disc name (as above, any non-0 value will do)
        r3 = length of the canonicalised special field (excluding any terminating
        r4 = length of can0nicalised disc name (excluding any terminating nul)
        r5 = unchanged
        r6 = unchanged
        FileSwitch would be expected to now allocate memory for the strings of
        length specified by NetFS in the r3 and r4 return values, then call NetFS
        again as follows:
        r1 = pointer to the string "Arf"
        r2 = 0
        r3 = pointer to a buffer of length r5 bytes
        r4 = pointer to a buffer of length r6 bytes
        r5 = length of buffer pointed to by r3
        r6 = length of buffer pointed to by r4
        NetFS now fills in the buffers, (r3,r5) with the special field, (r4,r6) with
        the disc name, and returns:
        r1 = r3 in (buffer filled with "49.254")
        r2 = r4 in (buffer filled in with "Arf")
        r3 = 0 (no overflow over the end of the buffer)
        r4 = 0 (no overflow over the end of the buffer)
        r5 = unchanged
        r6 = unchanged
        FSEntry_Func 24 ResolveWildcard
        In      r1 = Path to a directory
                r2 = Address of block to place name, or 0 if none
                r3 = wildcarded object name
                r5 = size of block
                r6 = Special field
        Out     r1 = unchanged
                r2 = -1 if not found, or pointer to filled in name, or 0 if no block
        passed in.
                r3 = unchanged
                r4 = overflow of block, 0 if no overflow, -1 if FileSwitch should
        resolve this wildcard itself
                r5 = unchanged
        This call should find which object in the given directory matches the name
        given. If the filing system can not do a more efficient job than FileSwitch
        would if it were to use fsentry_func 14 and then to find which was the first
        match, then it should return with r4 = -1.
        FSEntry_File 10 (fsfile_ReadBlockSize)
        On entry
         r0 = 10
         r1 = file name
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         r2 = natural block size of the file (in bytes)
         r3-r5 may be corrupted
        FSEntry_Func 25 (fsfunc_DefectList)
        On entry
         r0 = 25
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of image
         r2 = start of buffer in memory
         r5 = buffer length
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         r0-r6 unchanged
        This entry will fill the supplied buffer with the byte offsets to the start of
        the defects. The list will be terminated by a &20000000 value. It is
        an error for the specified image to not be the root object in an
        image (eg it is an error to map out a defect from
        adfs::HardDisc4.$.fred, but not an error from mapping it out from
        FSEntry_Func 26 (fsfunc_AddDefect)
        On entry
         r0 = 26
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminate name of image
         r2 = byte offset to start of defect
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         r0-r2,r6 preserved
        This SWI will map out the specified defect from the specified image.
        It is an error for the specified image to not be the root object in
        an image (eg it is an error to map out a defect from
        adfs::HardDisc4.$.fred, but not an error from mapping it out from
        adfs::HardDisc4.$). If the defect cannot be mapped out then an error
        should be returned.
        FSEntry_Func 27 (fsfunc_ReadBootOption)
        On entry
         r0 = 27
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose boot option is to be read
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         r0-r1,r6 preserved
         r2 = boot option (as in *Opt4,n)
        FSEntry_Func 28 (fsfunc_WriteBootOption)
        On entry
         r0 = 28
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose boot option is to be written
         r2 = new boot option
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         r0-r2,r6 preserved
        FSEntry_Func 29 (fsfunc_UsedSpaceMap)
        On entry
         r0 = 29
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of an object on the disc to have its used space map gotten
         r2 = buffer for map (pre-filled with 0s)
         r5 = size of buffer
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         regs preserved
        Fill in 1s in the used space map for parts of the disc which are
        neither free space nor bad block areas. In other words the buffer
        should end up with 1s where there are used parts of the disc. Each
        bit in the buffer corresponds with a BlockSize unit of the disc.
        FSEntry_Func 30 (fsfunc_ReadFreeSpace)
        On entry
         r0 = 30
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of an object on the disc to have its free space gotten
         r6 = special field
        On exit
          r0 = free space
          r1 = biggest object creatable
          r2 = disc size
        Does the obvious.
        FSEntry_Func 31 (fsfunc_NameDisc)
        On entry
         r0 = 31
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of an object on the disc to have its name changed
         r2 = new name of disc (nul-terminated)
         r6 = special field
        On exit
          regs preserved
        Does the obvious 
        FSEntry_Func 32 (fsfunc_StampImage)
        On entry
         r0 = 32
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of an object on the disc to be stamped
         r2 = type of image stamping to take place
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         regs preserved
        This call is simplar to ImageEntry_Func 32.  These are the valid
        values for r2 on entry:
        r2      meaning
        0       stamp image on next update
        1       stamp image now
        To stamp an image the image's unique identification number should be updated
        to a different value. This value is used to distinguish between different
        discs with the same name and to determine when a given disc has been
        updated. The image's unique identification number is that which should be
        filled in the disc record disc id field when the disc is originally
        identified. This entry's form is similar to that for the ImageEntry for
        consitency's sake. The most likely use is:
        *  When a Backup program wishes to cause a backup of the original to be
        distinguishable from the original it may use the stamp image now form.
        FSEntry_Func 33 (fsfunc_ObjectAtOffset)
        On entry
         r0 = 33
         r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of an object on the disc of imterest
         r2 = offset into disc
         r3 = pointer to buffer to receive object name
         r4 = buffer length
         r6 = special field
        On exit
         r2 = kind of object found at offset:
                0 if offset is free; beyond end of image; a defect
                1 if offset is allocated but not free, defect or beyond image end
                2 if found an object at the offset and it's the only object
                3 if found an object at the offset and it may share the offset with other objects
        buffer filled in with name of object (r2=2,3) or buffer contents may be corrupted.
        The FS should find out the usage of the given offset within the disc.
        If the offset is free, a defect or outside the disc then r2 should be
        returned with the value 0. If the offset is used, but has no object name
        which corresponds to it (for example the free space map, FAT tables, boot
        block and the such), then a return value of 1 is appropriate. If the offset
        is associated with several objects (files/directories), but cannot be said
        to be associated with one only (for example, the disc may have one large
        section allocated which is used by several files within one directory), then
        the appropriate value to return is 3. If the given offset is associated with
        only one object (such that deleting that object would definitely free the
        given offset), then a return value of 2 should be used. The buffer
        may be corrupted during the search and, if an object is found,
        should contain the path from the disc's root to the object found.
        Note that no '$.' prefix should be filled in. Note also that the first
        path element should have a . prefix, so the whole path filled in would
        read something like:
        and not:
        FSEntry_Args 10 (fsargs_ImageStampIs)
        On entry
         r0 = 10
         r1 = file handle
         r2 = new image stamp of image
        On exit
         regs preserved
        This FSEntry_Args call is for a MultiFS to tell the host filing
        system when the Id of a given image has changed, and its new value.
        If your filing system does not support the root object being a
        MultiFS image then these calls should be ignored. Otherwise, for
        example in the case of FileCore, these calls should be used to
        maintain the internal note of a disc's Id for the purposes of
        identifying the disc at a later time. These calls are for
        information only and should not require further action other than
        the storing of the passed-in value.

New SWIs

OS_FSControl 35

Register an image filing system with FileSwitch

On entry
R0 = 35
R1 = module base address
R2 = offset of image filing system information block from the module base R3 = private word pointer

On exit
Registers preserved

This call inform FileSwitch of a new image filing system to be added to the list of those it knows about. The module containing the image filing system should make this call when it initialises. This call is very similar to OS_FSControl 12 Add a filing system, except that it refers to an image filing system.

Image filing system control block:

Image file system information word
Image file system file type

Offset of routine to open files                 ImageEntry_Open
Offset of routine to get bytes                  ImageEntry_GetBytes
Offset of routine to put bytes                  ImageEntry_PutBytes
Offset of routine to control open files         ImageEntry_Args
Offset of routine to close files                ImageEntry_Close
Offset of routine to do whole file operations ImageEntry_File Offset of routine to do various FS operations ImageEntry_Func

In the following descriptions a filename or pathname will always be relative to the root directory of the supplied image file, will never have any ^s in them, nor will it have $s, @s, %s \s or &s. When a wildcarded pathname is specified, only on the final leaf should the operation in question be applied to all items; earlier wildcarded elements in the path should use the first match. A "" pathname, when passed to the image file system, indicates, in the obvious fashion, the root directory in the image file.

Image file system information word:
Bit Meaning when set
27 Notify image filing system of a flush All bits are reserved and should be set to 0

Image file system file type:
This word gives the file type number of files which contain images understood by this image file system. ImageEntry_Open:
On entry
R1 = Pointer to filename (null terminated) R6 = Image file system handle of image file

On exit
R0 = file information word
R1 = Image file system handle for this file R2 = buffer size for FileSwitch to use (must be a power of 2 between 64 and 1024) R3 = file length
R4 = space allocated to file (must be a multiple of buffer size)

A handle of 0 means that no file is open. This would be the case if, for example, a memory allocation failed.

file information word:
Bit Meaning if set
31 Write permitted to this file
30 Read permitted from this file
All other bits are reserved and should be set to 0 ImageEntry_GetBytes:
On entry:
R1 = Image file system file handle of file to be read from R2 = memory address to put data
R3 = number of bytes to read
R4 = file offset to get data from

On exit

The file specified will not be a directory, but may not have read access. In that latter case, no read access, the read is being requested so that FileSwitch's buffers may be filled before a write operation which the user requested. The GetBytes request should be honoured so that when FileSwitch writes its buffer out the correct, unmodified, data is written as well as the modified data. ImageEntry_PutBytes:
On entry:
R1 = Image file system handle of file to be written to R2 = memory address to get data from
R3 = number of bytes to write
R4 = file offset to put data to

On exit

The file handle is guaranteed to not be a directory and to have write access granted when it was opened. ImageEntry_Args:
ImageEntry_Args 3 Write file extent
On entry:
R0 = 3
R1 = Image file system's file handle
R2 = new file extent
On exit:

This call is used to set the extent of a file prior to it being closed.

ImageEntry_Args 4 Read file allocated size On entry:
R0 = 4
R1 = Image file system's file handle
On exit:
R2 = size allocated to file by filing system

ImageEntry_Args 6 Notify of a flush
On entry
R0 = 6
R1 = Image file system's file handle
On exit:
R2 = load address of file (or 0)
R3 = execution address of file (or 0)

This call is used to notify the filing system to flush any modified data that it is holding in buffers to its image file. The image file should subsequently be flushed to ensure the flush feeds through eventually to the medium.

ImageEntry_Args 7 Ensure file size
On entry
R0 = 7
R1 = image file system's file handle
R2 = size of file to ensure
On exit
R2 = size of file actually ensured

This call is used to ensure the file can be extended to at least the given size. The image file system need not ensure the extra space is zeroed.

ImageEntry_Args 9 Read file date stamp
On entry
R0 = 9
R1 = image file system's file handle
On exit
R2 = load address of file (or 0)
R3 = execute address of file (or 0)

This call is used to read the date/time stamp of a given file. (see PRM page 982-983 for details). ImageEntry_Close:
On entry
R1 = Image file system's file handle
R2 = new load address for file
R3 = new execute address for file
On exit

This call is used to close a file and put a new date/time stamp on it. ImageEntry_File:
ImageEntry_File 0 Save file
On entry
r0 = 0
r1 = pointer to filename (null terminated) r2 = load address to associate with file r3 = execution address to associate with file r4 = start address in memory of data
r5 = end address in memory plus one
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit
r6 = pointer to a leafname for printing *OPT 1 info

This call works exactly as the FSEntry_File 0 in the PRM works.

ImageEntry_File 1 Write catalogue information On entry
R0 = 1
R1 = pointer to wildcarded filename (nul terminated) R2 = new load address for file
R3 = new execution address for file
R5 = new attributes for file
R6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit

Write the catalogue information. If the object is a directory and your image file system cannot write the information then return an error. If the object does not exist, don't return an error.

ImageEntry_File 5 Read catalogue information On entry
R0 = 5
R1 = pointer to wildcarded pathname (nul terminated) R6 = image file system's handle for image file On exit
R0 = object type

        0       not found
        1       file
        2       directory
R2 = load address
R3 = execution address
R4 = file length
R5 = file attributes
R6 = Image file system's handle for image file

You should return r0=0 if the object specified does not exist, or any of the directories along its path do not exist.

ImageEntry_File 6 Delete object
On entry
R0 = 6
R1 = pointer to filename (nul terminated) R6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit
R0 = object type
R2 = load address
R3 = execute address
R4 = file length
R5 = file attributes

This call deletes an object. Don't bother transfering any data for this object. The returned values refer to the object deleted. Do not return an error if the object didn't exist.

ImageEntry_File 7 Create file
On entry
R0 = 7
R1 = pointer to filename (nul terminated) R2 = load address
R3 = execution address
R4 = length of file
R6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit

This call creates a file. Create the file with the given load and execute address and file length. If a file already exists, replace it with the created file, unless the original file's access attributes forbid this, in which case an error should be returned. The new file should have the same access attributes as the old one, or some default access if the old file doesn't exist.

ImageEntry_File 8 Create directory
On entry
R0 = 8
R1 = pointer to filename (nul terminated) R2 = load address
R3 = execute address
R6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit

This call creates a directory. If directories don't support load and execute addresses (which will only be of the directory type/datestamp form) then no error should be returned. If the directory already exists, try renaming it (the case of the letters might have changed), but don't return an error if it fails. If the create fails return an error.

ImageEntry_File 10 (fsfile_ReadBlockSize)

On entry
r0 = 10
r1 = file name
r6 = special field

On exit
r2 = natural block size of the file (in bytes) ImageEntry_Func:
ImageEntry_Func 8 Rename object
On entry
R0 = 8
R1 = pointer to name of object to be renamed (nul terminated) R2 = pointer to name of new name for object (nul terminated) R6 = Image file system's handle for image file

This call renames an object (file OR directory) within a given image file. If, in a *rename, the two objects are on different image files, then the rename will fail.

ImageEntry_Func 14 Read directory entries On entry
R0 = 14
R1 = Pointer to wildcarded directory name R2 = memory address to put data
R3 = number of object names to read
R4 = offset of first item to read in directory (0 for start of directory) R5 = buffer length
R6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit
R3 = number of records read
R4 = offset of next item to read in directory (-1 if end)

The leaf names of entries should be placed in the supplied buffer, as for FSEntry_Func 14.

ImageEntry_Func 15 Read directory entries and information On entry
R0 = 15
R1 = Pointer to wildcarded directory name R2 = memory address to put data
R3 = number of object names to read
R4 = offset of first item to read in directory (0 for start of directory) R5 = buffer length
R6 = Image file system's handle for image file On exit
R3 = number of records read
R4 = offset of next item to read in directory (-1 if end)

The leaf names of entries and their file information should be placed in the supplied buffer, as for FSEntry_Func 15.

ImageEntry_Func 21 Notification of new image file On entry
R0 = 21
R1 = FileSwitch file handle of file
R2 = Buffer size for file, or 0 if not known.

         This should be treated as a hint to the sector size.
On exit
R1 = Image file system file handle of image file

This notifies an image filing system that FileSwitch would like it to handle this image file. This entry gives the image filing system a chance to set up internal structures so that data could be cached or buffered from the image. All future requests FileSwitch makes of the image file system will quote the returned image file's image file system handle when appropriate. The image should be flagged internally as 'needs a new unique identification number when updated', and when it is updated its unique identification number should be updated. Whenever this number is updated the host filing system should be informed of its new value using OSArgs_ImageStampIs - this is important, because otherwise the host filing system will lose track of which disc is which.

ImageEntry_Func 22 Notification of image file about to be closed On entry
R0 = 22
R1 = Image file system's file handle of image file On exit

All files will have been closed for you before this call is made. You should save any buffered data for this image file before returning, and discard any cached data.

ImageEntry_Func 25 (fsfunc_DefectList)

On entry
r0 = 25
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of image r2 = start of buffer in memory
r5 = buffer length
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
r0-r6 unchanged

This entry will fill the supplied buffer with the byte offsets to the start of the defects. The list will be terminated by a &20000000 value. It is an error for the specified image to not be the root object in an image (eg it is an error to map out a defect from adfs::HardDisc4.$.fred, but not an error from mapping it out from

ImageEntry_Func 26 (fsfunc_AddDefect)

On entry
r0 = 26
r1 = pointer to nul-terminate name of image r2 = byte offset to start of defect
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
r0-r2,r6 preserved

This SWI will map out the specified defect from the specified image. It is an error for the specified image to not be the root object in an image (eg it is an error to map out a defect from adfs::HardDisc4.$.fred, but not an error from mapping it out from
adfs::HardDisc4.$). If the defect cannot be mapped out then an error
should be returned.

ImageEntry_Func 27 (fsfunc_ReadBootOption)

On entry
r0 = 27
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose boot option is to be read r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
r0-r1,r6 preserved
r2 = boot option (as in *Opt4,n)

ImageEntry_Func 28 (fsfunc_WriteBootOption)

On entry
r0 = 28
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose boot option is to be written r2 = new boot option
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
r0-r2,r6 preserved

ImageEntry_Func 29 (fsfunc_UsedSpaceMap)

On entry
r0 = 29
r2 = buffer for map (pre-filled with 0s) r5 = size of buffer
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
regs preserved

Fill in 1s in the used space map for parts of the image which are neither free space nor bad block areas. In other words the buffer should end up with 1s where there are used parts of the disc. Each bit in the buffer corresponds with a BlockSize unit of the image.

ImageEntry_Func 30 (fsfunc_ReadFreeSpace)

On entry
r0 = 30
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
r0 = free space
r1 = biggest object creatable
r2 = disc size

Does the obvious.

ImageEntry_Func 31 (fsfunc_NameDisc)

On entry
r0 = 31
r2 = new name of disc (nul-terminated) r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
regs preserved

Does the obvious

ImageEntry_Func 32 (fsfunc_StampImage)

On entry
r0 = 32
r2 = type of image stamping to take place r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
regs preserved

This entry is used for FileCore to communicate with the MultiFS for control of and management of the disc Id of a given image. These are the valid values for r2 on entry:

r2      meaning
0       stamp image on next update
1       stamp image now
To stamp an image the image's unique identification number should be updated to a different value. This value is used to distinguish between different discs with the same name and to determine when a given disc has been updated. The image's unique identification number is that which should be filled in the disc record disc id field when the disc is originally identified. The kind of uses expected for these calls are: ImageEntry_Func 33 (fsfunc_ObjectAtOffset)

On entry
r0 = 33
r2 = offset into image
r3 = pointer to buffer to receive object name r4 = buffer length
r6 = Image file system's handle for image file

On exit
r2 = kind of object found at offset:

        0 if offset is free; beyond end of image; a defect
        1 if offset is allocated but not free, defect or beyond image end
        2 if found an object at the offset and it's the only object
        3 if found an object at the offset and it may share the offset with other objects
buffer filled in with name of object (r2=2,3) or buffer contents may be corrupted.

The MultiFS should find out the usage of the given offset within the image. If the offset is free, a defect or outside the image then r2 should be returned with the value 0. If the offset is used, but has no object name which corresponds to it (for example the free space map, FAT tables, boot block and the such), then a return value of 1 is appropriate. If the offset is associated with several objects (files/directories), but cannot be said to be associated with one only (for example, the image may have one large section allocated which is used by several files within one directory), then the appropriate value to return is 3. If the given offset is associated with only one object (such that deleting that object would definitely free the given offset), then a return value of 2 should be used. The buffer may be corrupted during the search and, if an object is found, should contain the path from the image's root to the object found. Note also that the first path element should have a . prefix, so the whole path filled in would read something like:
and not:

OS_FSControl 36

De register an image filing system with FileSwitch.

On entry
r0 = 36
r1 = image file system file type
On exit

This call removes the given image filing system from the list of those which FileSwitch knows about.

OS_FSControl 37 (FSControl_CanonicalisePath)

On entry
r0 = 37
r1 = Pointer to path to be canonicalised r2 = Pointer to buffer to be filled in r3 = Pointer to system variable name of path to use, or 0 if none r4 = Pointer to default path to use if no system variable is specified

        or if that variable doesn't exist, or 0 if no path is the default
r5 = Buffer length

On exit
Buffer filled in with 0-terminated canonicalised name, and r5 = number of spare bytes in the buffer after and including

        the 0 terminator. If the buffer would have overflowed,
        then this will be taken to negative the overflow, but
        the overflow won't actually have happened. This
        provides a machanism for finding out how much buffer
        is needed. Note that a value of '0' in r5 means the buffer
        overflowed by 1 byte (the \0 terminator).

This may be used as a two-pass process: Pass 1:

      r0 = 37
      r1 = Pointer to path
      r2 = 0
      r5 = 0
      r5 = -(length of canonicalised path)
Pass 2:
Claim buffer of the right size (1-r5, not just -r5 as a space for the terminator is needed) In:
      r0 = 37
      r1 = Pointer to path
      r2 = Pointer to claimed buffer
      r5 = size of claimed buffer
      r5 should be 0, but check to make sure!

v) Given a file handle, fileswitch will return the name of the file.

OS_Args 7 (OSArgs_ReadPath)
On entry
r0 = 7
r1 = file handle
r2 = Pointer to buffer to be filled in r5 = Buffer length
On exit
Buffer filled in with 0-terminated canonicalised name, and r5 = number of spare bytes in the buffer after the 0 terminator.

        If the buffer would have overflowed, then this will be
        taken to negative the overflow, but the overflow won't
        actually have happened. This provides a machanism for
        finding out how much buffer is needed.

This call can be used in the same way as OS_FSControl 37.

vi) FileSwitch now processes the conversion of file info into filetype information.

OS_FSControl 38 (FSControl_InfoToFileType) On entry
r0 = 38
r1 = a pointer to the object's name
r2 = object's load address
r3 = object's execute address
r4 = object's length
r5 = objects's attributes
r6 = object's type (file/directory)
On exit
r2 = object's type:

        Special values:
        -1      untyped
        &1000   directory
        &2000   application directory (directory whose name starts with a '!').

OS_File 20-23 (OSFile_ReadWithType, _ReadWithTypePath, _ReadWithTypePathVar

                and _ReadWithTypeNoPath)

On Entry
r0 = 20, 21, 22 or 23
r1 = Pointer to name of object
On exit
r0 = object's type
r1 unchanged
r2 = Object's load address or top word of date stamp (Top three bytes 000000) r3 = Object's execute address or bottom word of date stamp r4 = Object's length
r5 = object's attributes
r6 = Object's type:

        Special values:
        -1      untyped         (r2, r3 are load and execute address)
        &1000   directory
        &2000   application directory (directory whose name starts with a '!').

OS_GBPB 12 (OSGBPB_ReadDirEntriesFileType)

On entry
r0 = 12
r1 = pointer to directory name
r2 = start address of data in memory (word aligned) r3 = number of names to read from directory r4 = offset of first item to read from directory (0 for start) r5 = buffer length
r6 = Pointer to (Wildcarded) name to match

On exit
r0-r2 unchanged
r3 = number of objects read
r4 = offset of next item to read
r5, r6 unchanged

This call is similar in function to OS_GBPB 10, except the buffer is filled in with entries like this:

Offset Contents

0       Load address or high word of date stamp (Top three bytes 000000)
4       Execute address of low word of date stamp
8       Length
12      File attributes
16      Object type
20      Object's file type (as for OS_File 20-23)
24      Object's name (null terminated)

OS_FSControl 41 (FSControl_DefectList)

On entry
r0 = 41
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of image r2 = start of buffer in memory
r5 = buffer length

On exit
r0-r5 unchanged

This SWI will fill the supplied buffer with the byte offsets to the start of the defects. The list will be terminated by a &20000000 value.

OS_FSControl 42 (FSControl_AddDefect)

On entry
r0 = 42
r1 = pointer to nul-terminate name of image r2 = byte offset to start of defect

On exit
r0-r2 preserved

This SWI will map out the specified defect from the specified image.

OS_File 24 (OSFile_ReadBlockSize)

On entry
r0 = 24
r1 = file name

On exit
r2 = natural block size of the file

OS_FSControl 46 (FSControl_UsedSpaceMap)

On entry
r0 = 46
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of image r2 = start of buffer in memory
r5 = buffer length

On exit
r0-r5 preserved

The supplied buffer will be filled with 0 bits for unused blocks and 1 bits for used blocks. The buffer will be filled to its limit or the file's limit, whichever is less. The 'perfect' size of the buffer can be calculated from the file's size and its block size. For non-MultiFS files the buffer will be filled with 1s. The correspondance of the file to the buffer is 1 bit to 1 block. The least significant bit (bit 0) in a byte comes before the most significant bit.

OS_FSControl 47 (FSControl_ReadBootOption)

On entry
r0 = 47
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose boot option is to be read

On exit
r0-r1 preserved
r2 = boot option (as in *Opt4,n)

OS_FSControl 48 (FSControl_WriteBootOption)

On entry
r0 = 48
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose boot option is to be written r2 = new boot option

On exit
r0-r2 preserved

OS_FSControl 49 (FSControl_ReadFreeSpace)

On entry
r0 = 49
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on thing whose free space is to be read

On exit
r0 = free space
r1 = biggest creatable object
r2 = disc size

Does the obvious.

OS_FSControl 50 (FSControl_NameDisc)

On entry
r0 = 50
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object on disc whose name is to be changed r2 = new name of disc

On exit
regs preserved

Does the obvious.

OS_FSControl 51 (FSControl_StampImage)

On entry
r0 = 51
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object which is to be image-stamped r2 = sub-reason:

        0       stamp when updated
        1       stamp now

On exit
regs preserved

This call is provided to allow communication between a handler of discs (eg FileCore) and a MultiFS which is interpreting a disc (eg DOSFS). This call is made by FileCore to DOSFS to inform it that it should update the disc's unique identification number when the disc is next updated (r2=0) or now (r2=1). Under normal circumstances a user need never make use of this call.

OS_FSControl 52 (FSControl_ObjectAtOffset)

On entry
r0 = 52
r1 = pointer to nul-terminated name of object of interest r2 = offset into disc or image
r3 = pointer to buffer to receive object name r4 = buffer length

On exit
r2 = kind of object found at offset:

        0 if offset is free; beyond end of image; a defect
        1 if offset is allocated but not free, defect or beyond image end
        2 if found an object at the offset and it's the only object
        3 if found an object at the offset and it may share the offset with other objects
buffer filled in with name of object (r2=2,3) or buffer contents may be corrupted.

This call can be used to find out what object uses a particular offset within an image. The image searched is the deepest image, eg if the path supplied was:
where pc is a DOS disc image, amiga was an amiga image and atari an atari disc image, then the image searched would be: $.pc.amiga.atari
The return values reflect what usage that the given offset within that image has. The buffer will be filled with the full path of the found object.

OS_Args 8 (OSArgs_ImageStampIs)

On entry
r0 = 8
r1 = file handle
r2 = new image stamp

On exit
regs preserved

This call is provided to allow communication between a handler of discs (eg FileCore( and a MultiFS which is interpreting a disc (eg DOSFS). This call is made by DOSFS to tell FileCore when it has changed the disc's unique identification number and its new value. FileCore's only action would be to store the new image stamp against the record for that disc so that that disc may be identified at a later time.

OS_FSControl 53 (FSControl_SetDir)

On entry
r0 = 53
r1 = pointer to rest of path
r2 = which directory to set
r3 = filing system
r6 = pointer to special field

On exit
registers preserved

This call allows a filing system to explicitly tell FileSwitch to set the specified directory to the given path without FileSwitch performing any form of verification on the path provided.
r1 = pointer to rest of path
This must be provided. This is the string which is the canonical path from the disc (if present) to the leaf which is the directory. It must not have wildcards in it, nor may it have any GSTransable bits to it. The string must be 0-terminated. It must have a root directory of some sort (ie $, % or & must be present at the right place). For example *Mount on ADFS may set the library to ":HardDisc4.$.Library" and *Logon on NetFS may set the URD to ":Arf.&".
If r1 is 0 on entry then the releavnt directory will be put into the "Unset" state.
r2 = which directory to set
This tells FileSwitch which of the settable directories should be set: Value Directory

0       @ - currently selected directory
1       \ - previously selected directory
2       & - user root directory
3       % - library
Other values are illegal.
r3 = filing system
This must be provided and points to the name of the filing system, 0-terminated.
r6 = pointer to special field
This is optional. If not present set r3=0. The special field must point at the textual part of the special field, after any # prefix that may have been present. The special field is terminated by a 0 or a '.'. The special field must not contain any wildcards or GSTransable bits.

OS_FSControl 54 (FSControl_ReadDir)

On entry
r0 = 54
r1 = pointer to buffer
r2 = which directory to read
r3 = filing system
r5 = size of buffer

On exit
r1 = 0 if directory unset, else points to start of rest of path if managed

        to be placed into buffer.
r5 reduced by length total size of directory string including terminator r6 = pointer to special field or 0 if not present

This call is the reverse of FSControl_SetDir. It is expected that this call will be used twice, the first time to get the buffer length, the second time to fill the buffer. The buffer will have the special field and the rest of the path placed into it. The values in r1 and r6 are suitable for submission to FSControl_SetDir.