;> CoreErrors
; error codes are 32 bits and have different internal and external formats
; Internal format
; b31=1 => disc error
; b0 to b20 disc byte address / 256
; b21 t0 b23 drive
; b24 to b29 disc error num
; b30 0 (to distinguish from other peoples errors); b31=0 => not disc error
; b30 0 (to distinguish from other peoples errors); b31 set if disc error
; External Format
; b0 to b7 error num
; b8 to b29 module number
; b30 0
; b31 0
;except for 'escape' and 'disc error' internal error num = external error num
MaxDiscErr * 2_00111111
ExternalErrorBit bit 30
DiscErrorBit bit 31
FileCoreModuleNum * &108
MACRO$num error $name,$str
ASSERT &$num>0 ;word aligned 0 byte marks entry end ASSERT &$num<&100 $name.Err * &$num & &$num :OR: (FileCoreModuleNum :SHL: 8) = "$str",0 % (4-(.-org):MOD:4):MOD:4 ;align with zeroes MEND
IntEscapeErr * &80
11 error ExtEscape,Escape;92 ABORTED
94 error Defect,Can't map defect out;95 TOO MANY DEFECTS
96 error CantDelCsd,Can't delete current directory 97 error CantDelLib,Can't delete library 98 error CompactReq,Compaction required 99 error MapFull,Free space map full 9A error BadDisc,Bad disc ;not ADFS format 9B error TooManyDiscs,Too many discs ;9C error LibUnset,Library unset 9D error BadUp,Illegal use of ^ 9E error AmbigDisc,Ambiguous disc name 9F error NotRefDisc,Not same disc A0 error InUse,FileCore in use A1 error BadParms,Bad parameters A2 error CantDelUrd,Can't delete user root directory ;A3 error IsADir,Is a directory ;A4 error IsAFile,Is a file A5 error Buffer,No room for buffer A6 error Workspace,FileCore Workspace corrupt A7 error MultipleClose,Multiple file closing errors A8 error BrokenDir,Broken directory A9 error BadFsMap,Bad free space map AA error OneBadFsMap,One copy of map corrupt (use *CheckMap) AB error BadDefectList,Bad defect list AC error BadDrive,Bad drive AD error Size,Sizes don't match ;BACKUP AE error SameDisc,Same disc ;BACKUP AF error DestDefects,Destination disc has defects ;BACKUP B0 error BadRename,Bad RENAME B3 error DirFull,Directory full B4 error DirNotEmpty,Directory not empty;B7 OUTSIDE FILE
BD error Access,Access violation C0 error TooManyOpen,Too many open files;C1 NOT OPEN FOR UPDATE
C2 error Open,File open C3 error Locked,Locked C4 error Exists,Already exists C5 error Types,Types don't match C6 error DiscFull,Disc fullDiscErr * &C7
C9 error WriteProt,Protected disc[ FileCache
CA error DataLost,Data lost]
CC error BadName,Bad name;CD DRIVE NOT READY
CF error BadAtt,Bad attribute D3 error DriveEmpty,Drive empty D4 error DiscNotFound,Disc not found D5 error DiscNotPresent,Disc not present D6 error NotFound,Not found DE error Channel,Channel;DF EOF
FD error WildCards,Wild cards FE error BadCom,Bad command
& FileCoreModuleNum :SHL: 8 ;end of table marker Text "File Core error" ;failsafe in case no match found